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Forge of Prè

What was there before the comfortable rubber soles with which we carry out hikes between glaciers and on the rock walls? The "broche" of course. They were spiked soles created for the different types of shoes of the people living on the mountains. The spike-maker was an ancient craft you will be able to see again today in the forge of Prè.

Fucina di Pre Consorzio Pro Loco: Via Nuova, 7 - 38060 Locality Pieve di Ledro - Municipality of Ledro (TN) - Ph. +39 0464 591222 - Fax +39 0464 591577

Municipality: Ledro (TN) | View on Map
Forge of Prè
Forge of Prè
(photo by Museo delle Palafitte Ledro)
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